Tuesday, January 25, 2011

eggs in graphite

For this assignment I had to draw a dozen eggs on a dark background using graphite.  This was one of the harder assignments.  It is really difficult to draw plain white eggs.  Having a really good directional light source helps but it was still very difficult not to draw ovals.  I tried to come up with a creative way to set the eggs but in the end the only creative part of the setting, I think, is the broken egg in the center and that was my wife's idea.  I used some charcoal on the dark surface to try and get a really good contrast and I think that helped but in the end I think this drawing was better as a learning device then an actual drawing.  I still enjoyed doing it but the end result isn't all that great.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shaded Ball

The next assignment was to draw a sphere and shade it using 7 steps from white to black.  Compared to the assignments from last week I found this to be rather simple, I know it's not a perfect circle but I did the entire thing free hand and think I did pretty decent considering.  While it was a rather simple assignment I think it is still important to practice the basics because the only way you can improve is through practice and it's just as important if not more important to practice the basics as well as the more difficult and enjoyable aspects of drawing.

Monday, January 3, 2011

difficult still life

For my next drawing assignment I had to pick seven different objects of various shapes and sizes.  I chose to go with a theme and used my son's toys.  When I first started on this I almost thought I had bitten off more than I could chew but I refused to quit.  I started with the K in the middle (which is a painted wooden letter that normally hangs on his wall) and it took a couple of tries but I actually did quite well with getting it sized up properly.  The hardest part was trying to get the mirror on the right correct, It threw off all of the shadows and had a small toy attached to it as well as reflecting part of the ugly doll.  All said I spent almost ten hours on this drawing.  In the end this is the drawing I am most proud of, I went in knowing this was the hardest thing I had ever attempted and managed to accomplish it and I think come out with something great.