Sunday, August 29, 2010

2nd perspective drawing

This is the 2nd perspective drawing I did for my class.  The objective was to draw four building in 3 point perspective with a change of the ground angle.  I didn't use the angle change very effectively only incorporating it into the upper left corner.  I didn't intent to not use it but I got so caught up in my buildings that I let that aspect get away from me.  I spent a lot of time working on the sidewalk and the lamp posts and ended up not having as much time as I would have liked to do the details on the building.  I do think that this drawing came out a lot better than the first one and was pretty happy with the end result.  I attempted to add some details into the background after I submitted the original to see how it would look but I really wasn't happy with the result and think I should have just left it alone. 

Since I am an online student all of my classes are 6 weeks long and this was my weekly project for week 3.  By this point in the class I was getting more comfortable with the process and really starting to enjoy doing the work.  It was interesting because it was difficult and I often struggled with the drawings, I got about the same amount of sleep during this class as I did with my son's first couple of months, but I enjoyed the struggle and really enjoyed the class.

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