Sunday, November 14, 2010

color study for final

After coming up with my final design I had to create 4 different color schemes to portray it.  It was at this point that I really started to run into the limitations of my design.  It wasn't just that the design itself was limiting but I also the method that I went about creating the initial design also left me stuck with trying to color it.  In the end I had to recreate the design in order to add the color.  I took my time and recreated it and marked it as a lesson learned.  Hopefully a lesson I won't soon forget.  At every step of this process I was kicking myself for not having thought harder about what the final project was going to be.  Amazingly enough, even as I was doing this and kicking myself I still forgot that I wasn't creating the final design ( we'll get to that next week).  I still managed to complete the assignment and while it isn't at all what I was hoping it would be it is something and, believe it or not, sometimes the knowledge that you accomplished something is still enough to give you the confidence to keep going.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

final project ideas

For this week I had to start working on my final project.  The first thing I had to do was write a statement describing what I was going to do.  It took me forever to come up with something,  I learned that I work a lot better when I have some kind of guidelines.  If given a blank slate and told create anything I have trouble.  I finally settled on transformation, the idea was that I would take smaller shapes and have them merge into something greater than themselves.  Once I gave myself some guidelines it enabled me to start working on something but I still don't think this is my best work.  I tried a few variations on this theme and ultimately let the due date dictate what got turned in.  I knew at this point that this would be the first piece that would be colored but I didn't consider color at all while doing the original design, that was definitely a mistake.  I did manage to create something and I don't hate it but I know I'm not ready to just do my own thing yet.