Sunday, November 7, 2010

final project ideas

For this week I had to start working on my final project.  The first thing I had to do was write a statement describing what I was going to do.  It took me forever to come up with something,  I learned that I work a lot better when I have some kind of guidelines.  If given a blank slate and told create anything I have trouble.  I finally settled on transformation, the idea was that I would take smaller shapes and have them merge into something greater than themselves.  Once I gave myself some guidelines it enabled me to start working on something but I still don't think this is my best work.  I tried a few variations on this theme and ultimately let the due date dictate what got turned in.  I knew at this point that this would be the first piece that would be colored but I didn't consider color at all while doing the original design, that was definitely a mistake.  I did manage to create something and I don't hate it but I know I'm not ready to just do my own thing yet.

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