Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Texture drawing

For my next assignment I had to draw two different textures. I drew the wood grain pattern of one of my wife's baskets and the wicker pattern of another one. The wood grain was pretty straight forward and really when you think about it you don't have to draw a certain pattern, a certain style will display as wood grain. I didn't spend very long on that one because I wanted to do the wicker one and knew that one would be a lot more difficult. I was correct in my assumption of how difficult it was to get a realistic drawing of the bottom of a wicker basket. It ended up taking me twice as long as I expected and I expected it to take a long time. I am really happy with how it came out and I even ended up using that same pattern later on a much larger design for a different class. I think the main thing I learned from this class was that you have to push yourself, you have to try things that you aren't sure you can do. If you never try them then you'll never be able to do them. On the flip side of that though I sometimes find myself stretching to far and getting frustrated. So I have to find a balance for myself where I push myself each time but not too much.

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