Sunday, October 17, 2010

Asymmetrical Design

For this assignment I had to use black and white forms to create an asymmetrical design.  I played with this for a while getting the details the way I wanted but I came up with the general layout pretty quickly.  I really like the way the more organic and flowing circles counter balance the rigid straight lines on the other side.  My initial layout (as you can see at the bottom) had the circles stopping before they intersected with the straight side.  My instructor told me that it was to balanced and that one side needed to "win."  When he first told me that I didn't agree, I like the idea of the two sides being in balance with neither "winning," but looking at the final design I think it does work better but I can't explain why.  By this point in the class the entire process feels like playing and I look forward to each different assignment to see what I'll come up with.

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