Sunday, October 3, 2010

design class 2

For my second assignment in Fundamentals of Design I had to create a form using 2 - 4 black and/or white of the same size.  Then repeat the pattern 2 - 4 times.  I really enjoyed this assignment, I felt that it was open enough to allow for a lot of creativity but was also restrictive enough to keep me from being overwhelmed.  I used 3 circles and repeated them 4 times for the design that I ultimately turned in for a grade, but I showed my teacher 4 different designs to allow him to choose the one he liked and then did more work on that one to make it as interesting as possible.  I normally don't like abstract designs but found myself enjoying this assignment.  I think because it was a unique challenge for me, I had to work in a way that I never had before and even though the design is simple I think it came out quite well.  With this assignment and several of the assignments I did for this class I found that it was fun to do work, that simply sitting down and exploring shapes and the relationships between the shapes was enjoyable and made the majority of this class a lot of fun.
Here are the original 4 designs I submitted

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