Monday, December 27, 2010

first still life

This was the first fully shaded drawing I had to do.  The instructions were to pick four objects of various shapes and sizes and draw them in pencil.  I took a hardcover book, a shell from the MS Gulf Coast, a plastic Tupperware bowl and a Hawaiian nose flute.  The nose flute came out a little skinny for what it is in reality but other than that I think this came out really well.  It took me a long time to do this drawing, overall I spent about six hours on this.  I did start over on this about four or five times and got frustrated and threw them away.  The initial way to lay out the shapes for a drawing calls for lightly sketching in where you think the objects are supposed to be.  Well it turns out I am horrible at this particular step.  I finally figured out that if I draw one object in proportion then I can add the other objects in relation to it.  Although I ran the problem of drawing the initial object either to small or to large and the other objects didn't all fit properly on the page.  It took a lot of trial and error but I like the end result and I had a lot of fun getting there.

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